Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Could I Be Single Because...

It is pretty rare for me to have a telephone conversation these days. I'm tweeting, facebooking, poking, blogging, emailing, texting, BBM'ing...hell, I'm even more apt to write a letter and mail it off before I pick up my phone to call someone. I've also become VERY strict with how I handle phone calls. I NEVER pick up the phone if I don't know the number. You are getting voicemail...sorry boo! And, if you are important at the moment, I'm assigning you a strategically thought out ringtone that in some cutesy sort of way reminds me of you every time my phone rings. It is truly an honor (in my mind) to be assigned one of these ringtones. However, I'd rather you just hit me up on Twitter! I'm just saying...

What's worse is that I spend the majority of my day living my life in front of people I hardly know on outlets such as Twitter and Facebook. I admit (yes...I am admitting this) that I sleep with my Crackberry next to my pillow and when I wake up in the morning, I reach for my phone to check Twitter, email, and Facebook. In that order. It's BAD! This is all before I even get out of bed.

As I pondered on this, I came to the realization that I can't even consider having a real relationship with anyone until I break up with my social media boyfriend! In theory, my SMB (social media boyfriend) is the perfect guy. SMB is always there when I need him. He listens to me when I need to vent (via tweets and status updates). He helps me network. He's quite entertaining and I love how he just 'knows me' so well! Why would I ever want to part with him?

I know. I know. I must get a life soon. A life that involves going out and meeting people. I go out, but I'm even in the club tweeting! Sometimes, I even pretend to be on my phone so loserlords will not approach me. I promise I will get better at this. It's going to take some time. In fact, let me end this blog post now. I have to go check my DM's on Twitter! :)

Signing Off...

Sleepless in Beantown

Image found here


  1. I'm totally addicted, too! Is there a social media-ers anonymous?? LOL
