Have you ever been on a non-date? You may not realize that it's an actual non-date, but I bet a good percentage of you have experienced this incredibly awkard moment in singledom. And once again, I hate to be the bearer of truths when it comes to this whole issue of love, but on the real, allow me to dispell any further confusion and break down the non-date for you...
First off, it's important to know that there are two different types of non-dates. The first is the 'I can't stand that this guy keeps asking me out and he won't make a move' non-date. And the other is the 'I think I have a real-life stalker-type on my hands' sort of non-date. Both can be equally frustrating, but I would rather take a shy guy over a stalker guy any day. Here's why:
Foursquare is the devil. Actually, I take that back. My stupid ass needs to stop linking my Foursquare posts to my Facebook and Twitter pages. See, 'I think I have a real-life stalker-type on my hands' sort of non-dates occur when you put yo' business in the social media streets. True story: a few weeks ago I attended an event and took to Foursquare to casually 'check-in'. I honestly didn't think anything was wrong with what I did, as my social media habits are almost second nature to me. It was only after this guy shows up less than thirty minutes later and claims he saw my Foursquare update on Facebook and decided to come by that I realized I inadvertently opened the floodgates to stalker city. I set myself up for this non-date to occur. The whole evening was akward. I was not prepared for him to be around and I didn't know what to say or how to act. It's not like it was a real date, right? It was bizarre, to say the least. And an experience that I hope to never repeat again.
Now, excuse me while I go log-in to Foursquare and make my page stalker-proof.
On the flip side, there's the 'I can't stand that this guy keeps asking me out and he won't make a move' non-date. This is a more classic scenario as it typically involves someone that you do like, however you find yourself in date-like situations that leave you confused. You hang out, on occasion...the movies, lunch, dinner, drinks...but you can't really tell if it's a date or not. Here's some advice. If after the fourth or fifth time of 'hanging out' you are STILL as clueless on your status as you were from jump street, then it may be time to do the obvious and simply ask the person if he's interested. It would be fooleywang to continue this cycle of non-dating forever. Personally, I feel if you even have to question whether or not it's a date then it isn't. It's a non-date fool!
Have you ever been in either of these non-date scenarios? Do tell. Leave a comment and share this link with your friends!
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