Monday, January 24, 2011


Perhaps Usher was thinking, 'Crazy...deranged!' Lol.
So, I have this friend (who shall remain nameless) and she shared with me a recent situation she experienced with a guy she once dated.  The conversation took a turn for the worse when she told me that this guy showed up at her house in the middle of the night in a drunken stupor and proceeded to take a piss in a suitcase she had in her closet.  This ninja was so drunk he thought the suitcase was her toilet.  It wasn't.  Ummm, where dey do that at?

Let me start off the post with this clip:

In all seriousness, do we pay enough attention to the signs that would shed some light on whether or not we are dealing with the anti-sane?  I bet we don't.  In fact, I bet a million dollars right now that someone reading this post is in a relationship with a 'crazy...deranged' person.  You may be in total denial, afraid to admit it, or YOU may be that crazy...deranged person!  No shade.  Just blogging truths over here.  Whatever the case, I'd be remiss if I didn't share some signs to help you figure out if you are dealing with the crazy...deranged. 

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

1. Takes crazy to know crazy

If the person you are dating has you doing things that are, well....crazy, then this may be a clue that you are entrenched in a neverending circle of crazy.  It's not cool to stalk people on social media, hack into their Facebook accounts or voicemails, call them from blocked numbers, call them multiple times a day, or sit outside their house in the middle of the night and watch them through their bedroom window. Pause.  These actions are ridiculous and if you find yourself trying to justify this fooleywang by saying, 'Well, he/she does it to me so it's cool to do it back.' then you are dealing with a crazy a-- individual (and you may want to get yourself checked out too).

2. Emo, much?

We all get emotional from time to time.  That's normal.  What is NOT normal, however, is the person who is always two seconds away from pulling out a can of whoop ass in any given situation.  You know the type.  You're in the supermarket together and you witness him cuss out the the cashier because she rang up the eggs before the milk.  You're in the car together and one minute he's talking about how he wants to go to Haiti to help save children from cholera and then the next minute he's violently threatening bodily harm on the old lady who just cut him off.  For real tho, is it EVER that serious? And, as Martin Lawrence depicted in the above clip, he's the guy who is unable to handle the fact that you want to enjoy a night out with friends so he shows up at the club in pajamas and footies trying to convince you to come home!  Talk about reckless abandon.  Geesh!  Just a wee bit too emo and a pretty good indication that you're dealing with someone who is probably bat sh-t out of their mind.

3. No one is perfect. No one.

The surest way to tell if you're dealing with the crazy...deranged is if this person is in your ear telling you all the right things, all the time.  Being 'too' perfect is not a good thing.  Even Beyonce said to accept her with 'flaws and all' so don't fall for the okie doke.  Did you honestly believe him when you first met and he told you his BMW was in the shop...and it's now three years later and you still have yet to see this alleged BMW?  Hmph.  Crazy...deranged people are dillusional.  Get hip and don't become a victim to the nonsensical nonsense.


4. If it walks like...and talks like

Then it probably is.  If all signs point to crazy then guess what?  He crazy.  Your friends keeps telling you but you insist on sticking out with hopes that things will change.  There's a good chance that it won't.  Take my advice and run for the hills.  Quickly.
Do you have any other advice for dealing with the crazy....deranged?  Leave a comment.  I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

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